GM Andy Elliott
Lakan Walo 8th degree
IPMAF Kombatan Australia Representative
BIOGRAPHYAndy Elliott is the Founder of the International Organisation - Kali 3D, a reality based Filipino Combatives system proven by itspressure testing methodology. Kali 3D is proven by science and based on the laws of mechanics of human movement, madefunctional via a transitional matrix of principles based on cognition, physics and geometries.A proud heritage of combative innovation founded on the fundamentals roots of Filipino Kombatan Arnis and linked to theproven methodology of Multi-Dimensional Warriors from South Africa, encompassing all the dimensions of edged weapons,impact weapons and empty hand fighting.
Andy first started playing around with sticks back in 1964 inspired by the TV series the Samurai and used to stick fight with hisneighbours acting like it was a sword. He would train with weapons on and off through training other styles of martial arts, predominately Japanese until he was introduced to FMA in 1995 by an ex-student of the late Great Grandmaster ErnestoPresas who trained him in the Philippines in the early 1980’s. He has been training now in Kombatan for 30 years.
This changed Andy’s love and passion in martial arts forever. “It was exactly what I was looking for, as I was involved in manyfights, working in rough terrains, on the docks for 34 years & bouncing on night club doors. FMA was a lot more realistic and notbound by rules and regulations of the other traditional systems that I had trained in. Every question I asked was met with a yes,you can do that!” I loved the idea of weapon training, especially after having a gun at my head when bouncing!
Moving forward to the present, Andy is an International Combatives and Defensive Tactics Instructor, conducting seminars andtraining around the world on a regular basis, having taught Combatives and FMA in over 30 countries.He instructs members from Special Forces, Law Enforcement, Prison Guards, Security, Martial Artists and Civilians bothnationally and internationally, keeping his skills up by training in hard-core South Africa.He operated his own successful Martial Arts/Combat club for many years based in Melbourne, Australia and is now living highup in the tropics of Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia.He conducts his own International training camps in the Philippines, where he has multitude of world class FMA/Combatinstructors teaching for him as well as attending & teaching at the World Kombatan camps organised by GM Jan Presas Jr.
He also represents Multi-Dimensional Warriors (MDW), out of the hardcore streets of South Africa, where he is honoured to beone of the very few authorised / recognised International Instructors and a Mentor. MDW are the “combat specialists that trainthe specialists”. Our clientele is not specifically listed for reasons, but include Military Personnel, Law Enforcement Departments, Private Law Enforcement and Security Companies.
Andy is a direct descendant of the late famous Great Grandmaster Ernesto Amador Presas of Filipino Kombatan Arnis PresasStyle. Andy attended the first official Kombatan camp in the Philippines in 1999 and actually helped in building the campsite inNegros, Philippines. He has attended another 14 international Kombatan IPMAF/Kali 3D camps around the world. He attendedeach bi annual camp in the hometown of Negros Occidental, Hinigaran, Philippines from 1999 to 2015 and again in 2024, takingover his students and always having one of the largest groups. He has even been asked to privately teach the Grandmaster’sown son on a few occasions.
The late GGM Ernesto Presas promoted Andy to the rank of Grandmaster at the Philippines International Camp in 2009, the same day as his son Ernesto Jnr (Jan). He was also inducted into the FMA International Hall of Fame in 2007 by GGM Presasand is also the official technical advisor to various Kombatan groups around the world.
Andy has held the international position of Chief Instructor for Australia along with Secretary General of Kombatan Presas Stylesince early 2005 and Chief Instructor of New Zealand in 2006. In 2024, Andy received an Award for “significant contribution forpropagating FMA worldwide” for decades by the Senate President of the Philippines and featured on UNTV.
Andy hosted the first ever World abroad Kombatan International training camp in Melbourne, Australia in 2006 with greatsuccess with Grandmaster and family Masters Ernesto Jnr & Michael Ermac. He has also hosted Ernesto Presas Jnr inAustralia in 2004 for multiple seminars. He has had the honour of training with many other Grandmasters and Masters in Arnisfrom Kombatan and other styles in the Philippines.
Andy decided it was time to be even more productive and start his own global organisation as he evolved the combatives side ofKombatan to “Kombatan Tactical”. In 2017, Andy launched a new name of Kali 3D International, his own functional combativesystem of Kombatan at his international training camp in Calatagan, Batangas which was well attended from around the world.In 2019, Kali 3D had an even bigger camp with many international Combat instructors & FMA Masters and instructors.At the camp, he had the honour of being bestowed with the title Punong Guro from the 15 FMA Masters at the camp whichincluded two of his close brothers in Kombatan – GM Johan Skålberg from Sweden and Master Heikki Martikainen from Finland.
He has achieved Nationally Accredited Academic Qualifications, Certified in Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health, Diploma ofSports Coaching, Diploma of Sports Development, Cert 4 Workplace Trainer and Accessor, National Coaching Accreditationand Neuro Linguistic Pregaming (NLP) coach & practitioner.In Martial Arts, Andy has trained in many styles and achieved numerous Black Belts and Instructor certifications.
Andy has featured in numerous international Martial Arts magazines over the years, including the honour of being chosen forthe front cover on a ‘one off’ special edition of ‘Masters of Combat’. He has also been featured in films, TV & helped in fightchoreography. Lately, in e-magazines, Andy was featured front cover story of his life’s journey in “Punch Out” from India andfeatured in “War Magazine” from South Africa.
Throughout the years of teaching Kali and Combatives around the world, Andy has seen a growing need of reality training to adjust to the changing aggressive environments nowadays. Everything Andy teaches, it has to be able to work for real andunder real pressure. He wants people to be functional, especially when weapons are involved. He has a unique way ofpresenting FMA due to his extensive combat training as Kali 3D which he refers to as Kombatan Tactical. This is the evolutionof Kombatan Traditional taught by GGM. Together now with GM Jan, they can teach both sides of Kombatan to the world!
Senior Instructors under Grandmaster Andy Elliott
Australia, Switzerland, England, India, Philippines, Singapore
Lakan Pito 7th Degree
Giovanni started his mar/al arts career at age 11 in 1989, star/ng with various Karate styles. He was introduced to
Filipino Mar/al Arts by GM Andy EllioC in the late 1990’s and started officially training privately with Andy in 2001.
He aCended his first World Kombatan camp in Negros, Philippines in 2003 and has since aCended mul/ple camp
in the Philippines and around the world.
Giovanni received his Master rank of 5th Degree directly for the late GGM Ernesto Presas at the interna/onal
Kombatan Philippines camp in 2009.
Through his work, he resided in different countries in Asia for over 10 years and along the way lived in Singapore
for 5 years where he introduced Presas Style Kombatan by seTng up a club with the help of enthusias/c local
Over his years there, many /mes he brought out GM Jan to Singapore and also took his students to train in the
Giovanni has been a loyal student of GM Andy now for over 30 years and has achieved a Senior Master grade of
7th Degree Black - the equal highest rank in Kali 3D.
He is also the official Secretary General of Kali 3D and helps Andy in organising camps & seminars.
Lakan Pito 7th Degree
Mark started mar/al arts in karate back in 1995. It was here with his good friend Giovanni Zagari that they met
GM Andy. Mark also was introduced to Kombatan in the late 1990’s and started private training with Andy in 2001.
Mark aCended his first World Kombatan camp in Negros, Philippines in 2003 and has since aCended mul/ple
camp in the Philippines and around the world.
Mark is also heavily involved with Mul/-Dimensional Warriors with Andy from the streets of South Africa. He has
travelled to South Africa on numerous occasions and has since become a fully trained combat instructor.
Mark has travelled to many countries to assist Andy in teaching with his Combat & Kombatan skills.
He has been extremely loyal to Andy over 30 years, teaching at his club & achieving his 5th Degree Master rank
from GM Jan at the interna/onal Kombatan Philippines camp in 2015 and has since achieved the highest rank yet
in Kali 3D of Senior Master 7th Degree Black.
Through his mar/al arts journey he has consistently challenged himself by training in mul/ple disciplines over the
last 30 years. He has competed successfully in numerous compe//ons including Karate, FMA S/ck Figh/ng,
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Wrestling, along with having several fights in Boxing & Muay Thai. He has won several /tles in
doing so.
Lakan Pito 7th Degree
Tim has been heavily into training various mar/al arts since childhood. He first contacted GM Andy back in 2007
when he decided to go to the Philippines to learn FMA. It was here that Andy introduced him to GM Jan & he later
received his Black belt in Kombatan. Tim joined under Andy & has been with him ever since while instruc/ng full
/me in Kali 3D/Kombatan in Cairns & is the Chief Instructor of Queensland.
Tim was the first student to reach the high rank of Senior Master 7th Degree Black under Andy.
He has aCended many IPMAF interna/onal camps in the Philippines, including 2024 where GM Jan promoted him
to 7th Degree in Kombatan & earned the huge compliment of being called the “White Pinoy” due to his impressive
skillset & work rate.
Lakan Lima 5th Degree
Dilworth (Dee) started training in Japanese Jiu Jitsu under his uncle in New Zealand around 1980 & has trained
regularly in various mar/al arts & combat for most of his life. Along the way he has worked Security on doors for
many years and through his Boxing, he is also a CommiCee Member at the Australian Na/onal Boxing Hall of
Dee joined GM Andy’s club back in 2013 & has aCended many IPMAF Kali 3D/Kombatan training camps in the
Philippines and MDW Combat camps in Thailand with Andy. He loves pressure tes/ng his skills with reality training
& travels interna/onally with Andy to train with specialists to improve his skills for the real world on the streets.
Dee was honoured to be chosen by Andy to take charge of opera/ng his club in Melbourne when Andy decided it
was /me in his life to leave for the tropics. He has done a fantas/c job of keeping the club alive along with the
help of other instructors also teaching.
In 2024, aier training & teaching for the last 12 years, Dee was graded to 5th Degree Master at the World
Kombatan by GM Jan Presas in the Philippines & at the end of the year also received his 5th Degree Master from
GM Andy in Kali 3D – Kombatan Tac/cal.
Lakan Lima 5th Degree
Heikki has been training & compe/ng in Mar/al Arts & Combat for 45 years, star/ng with Judo in 1980 & along
the way with over 30 years of extensive weapon training.
He has competed many /mes both in na/onal & interna/onal events, covering all ground & stand up figh/ng,
successfully winning many /tles.
Heikki started FMA in 1996 under Johån Skalberg from Sweden, who had been training with GGM Presas since
1984 in Kombatan & first met GGM Presas in 1998 in Sweden. He aCended his first IPMAF interna/onal Kombatan
camp in 2007 where he met GM Andy & has aCended several other interna/onal camps since.
In early 2011 he was promoted to 5th Degree Master in Kombatan by Snr Master Michael Ermac in Finland. In 2017
he was also promoted to Master 5th Degree Black in Kail 3D at Andy’s interna/onal camp in the Philippines.
He is a former Finnish Special Forces NCO and aierwards subsequently undertook a long career in law
enforcement where he has put his skills to the test, along with training many Military Personnel and Police. Heikki
is a dedicated Interna/onal Combat & FMA Instructor who has taught and trained all over the world. A life/me of
mul/ple mar/al arts, he is also a 7th Degree Master in Filipino Kali Sikaran, with 3 other Master Ranks & Black
Belt/Instructor cer/fica/on in 10 different systems. Heikki has taught in 40 countries around the world impar/ng
his real world comba/ve knowledge with his main focus today is comba/ves in austere environments.
Lakan Lima 5th Degree
Nick first stated out training in boxing as a young teenager & at 16 he joined GM Andy’s club back in 2003. Nick
has always displayed impressive skills & rose through the ranks through his natural ability. He has aCended several
IPMAF interna/onal Kombatan camps in the Philippines training under GGM Presas & GM Jan. He has taught at
Andy’s clubs for many years & has been a great guide to others. Nick earned his 5th Degree Master rank several
years ago & chooses not to grade any further.