International Phillipine martial Arts Federation IPMAF - KOMBATAN
Philippines, United States, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Belarus, Chile, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, Guatemala, Germany, Hungary, Italy, India, Latvia, Mexico, Poland, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, Thailand, Uruguay
The International Phillipine Martial Arts Federation (IPMAF) KombatanWas founded by GGM Ernesto Amador Presas (10th Dan). The current head of the system is Ernesto Presas Jr. The style is known for its double stick techniques, aswell as blade techniques and empty-hand methods.
IPMAF Kombatan Schools, clubs, and instructors are located in more than 25 countries, including the United States, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Belarus, Chile, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, Uruguay Etc. IPMAF Kombatan is accepting applications to become a member of this unique martial art organization. Seminars and Workshops can be conducted at your location, by appointment only. Classes are open to children, teens, and adults (male and female). Contact IPMAF Headquarters or the closes location to you, for information on Kombatan, our seminars, martial arts equipment, and products.
COORDINATIONWe coordinate between schools in an effort to offer the highest quality and consistent training in Kombatan instruction.
We are comprised of authorized instructors authorized by IPMAF Kombatan.
RANKINGWe help to recognize the ranking of Kombatan students and instructors throughout the world.
Guro, Masters, and Grandmaster instructors work together with IPMAF Kombatan and the Presas Family, to preserve GGM Presas legacy.